Understanding The Issue Of Age-Based Bias In Active Audience Measurement Panels

Buy-side and sell-side stakeholders are heavily invested in understanding differences between legacy measurement and alternative currencies.

Even in the short-term, small errors may be inevitable. Imagine a panel household that complies for a short period, then stops complying for a few sessions, then begins complying again. Over time, non-compliance adds up and errors creep in. Equally, consider a case in which a TV is on but no buttons have been pressed, such that the viewing audience is unidentified for a period of time. The measurement provider needs to make a decision about how best to assign this viewing, given the composition of the household – introducing more complexity.

This study from TVision uses an artificial simulation of an active panel to explore potential age-based bias in active panels. It is not an active representation of a real panel, but helps to explore the issue by:

  • Deploying an active metering simulation to passive panel participants.
  • Using behavior monitored on active and passive panelists in the simulation to explore points of divergence.

The data collected illustrates what can go wrong if appropriate steps aren’t taken to correct for non-compliance in active panels.

The study illustrates some of the challenges facing measurement providers leveraging
active panel offerings as part of their solutions.

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