TruSignal CEO David Dowhan Joins DMA Council for Data Integrity (MarTechSeries)


Data & Marketing Association’s Exclusive Group Appoints Industry Veteran To Help Decide Data Labeling Standards

TruSignal, Inc., an industry-leading predictive marketing and people-based audience business, announced that the Data & Marketing Association, or DMA, has invited TruSignal CEO David Dowhan to join its Council for Data Integrity. Dowhan has accepted the invitation and attended his first workshop in this capacity recently.

In partnership with The Advertising Research Foundation (ARF) and Coalition for Innovative Media Measurement (CIMM), DMA’s Council for Data Integrity enables the data services community to provide marketers and agencies with the insights they need to ensure that the data they are using is accurate, reliable and of the highest quality.

“Brands spend billions of dollars each year on identity data. They need full transparency into that data. I’m honored to join the DMA’s Council for Data Integrity to leverage my experience working with TruSignal to develop people-based solutions and identity graphs to help ensure advertisers get the solutions they deserve,” said Dowhan.

Dowhan’s experience leading strategic business units, product development and marketing analytics in executive roles at leading brands like eBureau (acquired by TransUnion in 2017), Adteractive, and NextCard, Inc., is expected to help in the contribution of meaningful perspective and change in the marketing industry toward greater transparency and deeper understanding.

The council will define labeling standards for identity data similar to the standards the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) applies to food labels – so that every marketer, agency, data provider and publisher can easily understand the sources and marketing value of their identity data.

“As the only trade association representing the entire marketing and media value chain, DMA is delighted to have David Dowhan’s business and marketing acumen on our Council for Data Integrity. DMA is uniquely positioned to bring solutions to the marketing ecosystem’s most vexing challenges, and we will benefit significantly from David’s deep understanding of people-based marketing,” said Data & Marketing Association CEO Tom Benton.


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