Ad-ID Partners With Dial Report To Improve Ad Attribution (InsideRadio)

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Ad-ID, the industry standard for identifying commercials across media platforms, is collaborating with TagStation’s Dial Report audience analytics tool. The two companies plan to integrate Ad-ID’s silent codes into the playout systems of radio stations that use Dial Report to improve radio’s ability to track and measure radio attribution for advertisers.

Ad-ID is a joint venture of the Association of National Advertisers (ANA) and the American Association of Advertising Agencies (4As); EIDR, an industry content registry association; and the Coalition for Innovative Media Measurement (CIMM), whose members represent content owners, advertisers and ad agencies. The web-based system attaches a silent code to the metadata in individual commercials across all media.

Designed for media buyers, Dial Report collects first-party radio station ad data and smartphone user data, including listener location, brick and mortar store traffic, exposure, engagement and audience behavior. TagStation says the info is derived directly from radio station playout systems.

Dial Report senior VP Lisa Pike says many of Ad-ID’s customers have been using Dial Report to measure how their radio campaigns performed over the past year. “It is clear that the radio industry would benefit from having the same tracking standards that the TV and digital industries enjoy today,” Pike said in a news release.

But problems cropped up when there were information gaps due to inconsistent asset codes, which led to the alliance with Ad-ID. “The first and most valuable step in our data attribution process is to verify that all spots, across our entire network of broadcasters, belonging to a brand are identified correctly,” Dial Report senior VP of Product Development Ben Husmann says. Using the Ad-ID API WILL allow it to “fill in the blanks and expand spot metadata to include accurate and complete information such as advertiser, product, copy points and more,” he added.

Last year a group of major industry associations recommended Kantar Media’s audio watermarking technology as the Ad-ID standard, helping advance efforts to embed silent ID codes in commercials to better track them across media platforms.


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