
CIMM, 4A’s and TVB Launch Study to Develop Action Plan for Local TV Measurement

Study Reveals Strong Consensus That Multi-Currency Transition Should Deliver Important Benefits, But Systems and Processes Need to Evolve

EACA and WFA Join International Knowledge Exchange on Audience Measurement, Metrics and Data

Pete Doe of Xandr Joins Board of Directors at CIMM, the Coalition For Innovative Media Measurement

CIMM, ANA and 4A’s Launch Joint Study To Explore Industry Transition To A Multi-Currency TV Market

CIMM and egta Launch International Knowledge Exchange on Audience Measurement

CIMM Announces Development of A Guide to Converged TV Measurement Providers In The US

CIMM and the ARF Release Lexicon 4.0: A Common Language for Media Measurement

CIMM Launches Study To Assess Method For Assigning Person Level Demographics To Machine-Level TV Exposure Datasets