EBIF abbr Enhanced TV Binary Interchange Format (EBIF Enabled STBs)

July 24, 2012

CIMM DEFINITION: A multimedia content format specification that supports the efficient interchange, distribution and decoding of an ETV application across the cable industry’s universe of both legacy and advanced set-top boxes that support the Tru2way® specification. (Source: Definition currently under review by CableLabs)

2: Standard Set-Top Box software that enables advanced TV applications (including interactivity and addressability).  Industry standard for all STB manufacturers.

3: A CableLabs defined standard interactive application format for software and data. adopted by all the large MSOs and many smaller operators. EBIF applications and data are interpreted by EBIF User Agent software deployed by MSOs in STBs. EBIF is the emerging standard for the implementation of interactive advanced advertising, programming enhancements, and third-party software (e.g., TV Widgets). (Source: FourthWall Media)

NOTE  – Hand in hand with the EBIF standard is the CableLabs Application Messaging (AM) standard, which defines how EBIF programs and data are packaged and transmitted to and from Set-Top Boxes, and how bound applications (e.g., interactive advertising enhancements embedded in a video spot) are “triggered” for execution. (Source: FourthWall Media)