Report: Guidelines for Planning & Buying Addressable TV Advertising – CIMM and Go Addressable

The TV ad market is changing, with viewing becoming far more widely distributed over a growing range of linear and non-linear services. Addressable TV advertising has become an increasingly critical capability for the industry, helping advertisers to cost effectively build out the reach and frequency of their campaigns, including for larger target audience segments.

CIMM’s new report with Go Addressable, based on an extensive program of custom research with Janus Strategy & Insights and Sequent Partners, explores the processes and best practices of leading industry participants across the addressable TV advertising ecosystem. Specifically, the findings highlight the invaluable role that addressable TV plays in the overall media mix, offering key insights for advertisers looking to implement or increase addressable TV in their media campaigns and showcases the optimal uses cases for it.

To download the full report, click below:

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