Total Views

July 23, 2012

CIMM DEFINITION: Total count of instances a specific asset was initiated in play time by subscribers regardless of rental period (or order window). Total count of all instances of a specific asset initiated. There is no “delay time” in which a video could be initiated and not counted. (Source: CTAM Advanced Cable Solutions Consortium, DAI Metrics)

NOTE – Delay time is a legacy PPV term where viewers could exit within 5 minutes and not be billed.) There is no regard to Rental Period or Order Window. Each time the video is initiated, a View is counted. Views for Ad Assets can be grouped by pod and pod position. (Source: CTAM Advanced Cable Solutions Consortium, DAI Metrics)

NOTE – Explanation and differences of Orders vs. Views – Assuming that the consumer has a 24 hour window to view the content that they ordered, in each case, the consumer can view the program 10 times but because MVPD B reports in orders only, the program gets counted only once but the commercial gets counted 10 times. (Source: CTAM Advanced Cable Solutions Consortium, DAI Metrics)